At the moment I have a yeti on my desk, holding a flag stating "No one believes in me"
Friday, 26 April 2013
The reason why I will never get employee of the month
At the moment I have a yeti on my desk, holding a flag stating "No one believes in me"
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Doll customising.
I really love all the ball jointed dolls, but honestly do not know if I am able to justify spending $300+ on one. I was thinking about buying a photo2nd porcelain doll and customising it like I see done online.
The only issue is I have a slight fear off porcelain dolls . I am worried, I do not know why, that if I customise a doll that it will haunt me. I have irrational fears. I already know.
You may see some dolls in the future.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Trying to make a logo
So for a while now I have known I need to make a logo use. I really wanted something that represents me and my creations. I am still struggling a little bit.
I drew up this character today she is kind of based on Wednesday Adam's but still based on me. I need to redraw her shoes, as I want her to have a pair of chucks on. I also want to have a yeti involved or octopi or the white rabbit to represent my love of Alice in Wonderland. I am unsure at this point in time.
I am also thinking of maybe a cartoon of Hunter.
Here is my sketch.
Monday, 1 April 2013
International snack swap
I participated in the international snack swap on Crafster.
Both of my partners have received, so I thought I would share.
I had 2 partners.
My first one was Gingerpeachy. She is a vegetarian which was a great experience, as I now read the back of every label and try to have re4 meals a week meat free.
Her box was 5kg's. The majority of it was tea :) I am not the only tea drinker. I also included some vegemite, a few other Susie food items.
I made a wattle & Wallace grass terrarium (she had plenty of terrariums on her Pinterest. Sadly it did not make it.
My second partner was Loudxmouse. She had recently lost some weight (congratulations) and was after a mixture of healthy snacks
I included timtams, vegemite, cheesymite, marmite, Morona coffee (I read somewhere that the US does not have it) violet crumble plus more.
I made her 2 pairs if Native Australian butterfly earrings (they took me 3 attempts, lol)