50 Projects for 2013

1. Poppet for my mum.
2. Gandalf doll for Ian.
3. Dracula's inspired tree
4. Draculette inspired doll/s
5. Tree of life pendant for my mum's birthday in April
6. Sookie Stackhouse cloth doll x 3
7. Pam cloth doll
8. Black swan ~Nina poppet (white ballerina)
9. Black swan ~ Lily poppet (black ballerina)
10. Columbis cloth doll
11. Columbis mascot sketched and edited for blog banner
12. Ghost cloth doll
13. Barry the Bellboy cloth doll
14. Alice doll for my Aunty B
15. Rod Stewart or David Bowie Poppet (with man parts) for my Aunty shell's 50th
16. Wired tree for my Aunty Shell's 50th
17.Try bath salts
18. Make a Halloween/Creepy themed rag quilt
19. Make a many shades of blue/purple rag quilt for my lounge room.
20. Make some skelanimals inspired stuffies.
21. Make a Jack Sellington with Mickey ears cushion.
22. Make a pinterest patterned bean bag
23. Jar of hearts from a Vintage book
24. Capricorn doll/poppet
25. Flapper poppet
26. Cork board/memory board for my office/craft room
27. Apothecary jars
29. Panda plushie for a work mate
30. Belly dancer plushie for mum
31. Lindsay doll
32. Talia doll
33. Georgia doll
34. Heather doll
35. Mad Hatter for Liam
36. Mrs. Brightside ~ Leesa

I have not reached 50 yet, so there is room for some more!!

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