Monday, 31 December 2012

Dracula's themed 21st

I turned 21 on the 30th of December. To celebrate I went to Dracula's

The front of Dracula's at night

I fell in love. I told Ian through out the show that I wanted there. I loved the atmosphere and the costumes and how they were allowed to act!! Quite a few employees had tattoos and piercings. (I have 1 tattoo that I keep hidden 90% of the time, that only a few people no of, and I have 3 piercings other than my ears)

I would love to be a costume designer or make dolls for the gift shop!! But without any qualifications I do not think that will happen. Ian and I are discussing it though. Maybe I could do bar work there and get an RSA and work my way to it, whilst doing some degrees.
We would have to move down to the Gold Coast.

Oh well at least I have lots of inspiration to create now. So I just need to await for the supplies to arrive!!

Well I guess I can add Dracula's on to the list of places I would like to work. They can be 2nd. After Disneyland ~ The happiest place on Earth.

You never know I may end up leaving my nice easy job to work there.

Love my dress, with the skull!!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

I am sorry but I really mustache

I thought I would share with everyone my awesome mustache cushion that I made!!!

It was hand sewn out of faux fur, and it is a handlebar mustache. I am thinking of doing a whole range of different mustaches.


Thank you for looking                                                   

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Christmas Day

Hi everyone,

Well it is Christmas, I have nothing really artsy or craftsy to update you with, but I thought I would share some pictures of my house on Christmas. I do not have any children so we spoilt Spooks (the car) & Hunter (the dog)

Spooks was not very interested, but she went on her supervised trip outside. She normally sits in our Mango tree in front of Petrie's cage, but today she decided to roll in the dirt and she was no longer and clean white fluffy kitty.

Spooks all dirty in the back room
 Hunter got a stocking left by Santa filled with bones and green and red doggy treats. I also got him lots of toys. His favourite was the squeaky toy. He ran around the house for 2 hours with the burger with him squeaky them constantly

Hunter & his burger
After the the Christmas joy, I had to go to work and unter and Spooks crashed together in front of the bookcase.

Excuse my messy bookcase.

In other news I get to go to Dracula's for my 21st in 4 days!!! Woot!! I can not wait, I am so looking forward to it :)

Monday, 24 December 2012

First Post

Hi everyone,

This is my first post, woot!! I will be surprised if anyone reads this straight away.

A little bit about myself, I am 20 (21 in 6 days) I live in Brisbane Australia, with my high school sweetheart/Partner of 5 years (nearly 6) I live with an American Staffy - Hunter, an evil Kitty - Spooks, an Alexandrian parrot - Petrie & 6 fish -Spicks, Specks & ginger + 3 unnamed baby fish!!

At the moment I am working on a Junker Jane inspired doll swap on Crafster. (Link:

 << Junker Jane doll (website I got picture from

My partner is Lovesclutter, so I have been crafting away eagerly!! Once she receives it I will post pictures!! So you can all see. It is a little bit different for me, I love everything looking nice and neat and this is a little bit more messy and a bit dark, which is fun!!

I have been stalking her and I am making a small item as well, I am going to try my hand at jewellery making. I do not know how it will go, but there may be a few ranty posts about it if it does not work out.

Well Thanks for reading :)